Grand Opening June 5th – BOOKING CLASSES NOW!!!
* Grand Opening Prices valid for classes scheduled in June, July and August – Book Now!
Choose from the following options below, or call to discuss Customized packages for one or more agencies.
Note: The 2-Day class is equivalent to the FBI 2-Day NIBRS training.
Hosting Your Training Onsite
Applicable to 1-Day or 2-Day NIBRS with a class size of 25 attendees (minimum).
As a hosting agency, you will receive additional free seats in class for hosting (must be used by hosting agency):
2 seats = 25 to 29
3 seats = 30 to 39
4 seats = 40 to 49
5 seats = 50 or more
Hosting agency would be responsible for the following:
- A training room that handles up to 60 students
- Projector, screen, and sound capabilities
- Advertising (flyer provided by Full Circle)
- Point of Contact for the training
Training Materials included
Training Material included with each class:
- NIBRS User Manual
- NIBRS Technical Specifications
- Hate Crime
- Cargo Theft
- NIBRS Quick Reference Guide
- NIBRS Offenses
- Data Elements
- Mutual Exclusive List
- Illogical Property
- Training Guide
Our Payment & Refund Policy
- We accept Credit and and Checks through PayPal.
- Full refund with cancellations made 6 or more days prior to a scheduled class.
- Cancellations made 5 or fewer days before the scheduled class will receive a full credit toward a future class.
Direct NIBRS Training
Ideal for those entering data directly into a records management system.
Length: One Day
Pricing: $219 per participant * (Standard pricing $259)
Format: In-Person Or Online
Topics Covered
- Summary -vs- NIBRS
- NIBRS Collection Benefits
- NIBRS Collections Process
- Defining an Incident
- Jurisdiction Boundaries
- Learning NIBRS Common Language
- Clearances
- Group A Offenses
- Group B Offenses
- Data Elements
Standard NIBRS Training (2 Days)
This is equivalent to the FBI Standard NIBRS two day training.
Length: Two Days
Pricing: $399 per participant * (Standard pricing $449)
Format: In-Person or Online
Topics Covered
- Summary -vs- NIBRS
- NIBRS Collection Benefits
- NIBRS Collections Process
- Defining an Incident
- Jurisdiction Boundaries
- Learning NIBRS Common Language
- Clearances
- Group A Offenses
- Group B Offenses
- Data Elements
Standard NIBRS Training (4 Days)
This is equivalent to the FBI Standard NIBRS two day training.
Length: Four Days (4 hrs each day)
Pricing: $449 per participant
Format: Online
Topics Covered
- Summary -vs- NIBRS
- NIBRS Collection Benefits
- NIBRS Collections Process
- Defining an Incident
- Jurisdiction Boundaries
- Learning NIBRS Common Language
- Clearances
- Group A Offenses
- Group B Offenses
- Data Elements
NIBRS Impact
Ideal for those entering data directly into a records management system.
Length: Two Hours
Pricing: $139 per participant * (Standard pricing $149)
Format: Online
Topics Covered
- Summary -vs- NIBRS
- NIBRS Collection Benefits
- NIBRS Collections Process
- Defining an Incident
- Jurisdiction Boundaries
- Learning NIBRS Common Language
- Clearances
Defeating Errors and warnings
Addressing, understanding, and revolving NIBRS errors and warnings to defeat inaccurate stats.
Length: Two Hours
Pricing: $139 per participant * (Standard pricing $149)
Format: Online
Topics Covered
- Addressing common Errors/Warnings
- Understating Data impact
- Resolving common issues
Pre-requisites (Recommended)
One of the following: Direct NIBRS Training, Standard NIBRS Training, NIBRS Impact or working NIBRS of knowledge.
Hate Crimes and LEOKA data collections
Encompassing History, Legislative, criteria, reporting, submitting, and verifying Hate Crimes and LEOKA data.
Length: Two Hours
Pricing: $139 per participant * (Standard pricing $149)
Format: Online
Topics Covered
- LEOKA Criteria
- LEOKA Data Collections
- UCR Reporting and the LEOKA Program
- Legislative mandate for Hate Crime
- 2-tier decision-making process
- Defining Bias categories
Data Elements, The Details
Learn to select the correct data elements to properly record and submit the incident in detail.
Length: Four Hours
Pricing: $189 per participant * (Standard pricing $199)
Format: Online
Topics Covered
Detailed description of the:
- Administrative Segment
- Offense Segment
- Property Segment
- Victim Segment
- Offender Segment
- Arrestee Segment
- Group B Arrest Segment
- ZERO report Segment
Describing the 58 data elements
Pre-requisites (Recommended)
NIBRS Offenses, The Foundation.
NIBRS Offenses, The Foundation
Recognizing the NIBRS offense and it becomes the foundation of your incident.
Length: One Day
Pricing: $219 per participant * (Standard pricing $259)
Format: Online
Topics Covered
- Group A -vs- Group B Offenses
- Crimes Against Persons
- Crimes Against Property
- Crimes Against Society
- Mutually exclusive offense
- Lesser Included Offenses
Pre-requisites (Recommended)
One of the following: Direct NIBRS Training, Standard NIBRS Training, NIBRS Impact or working NIBRS of knowledge.