Patti Zafke
Director of RMS Services
Patti Zafke has worked with and for law enforcement agencies across North America since 1992. She has extensive working knowledge and experience of public safety operations and software applications. Ms. Zafke has worked with the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) since 2002 and possesses a unique mix of working in the public sector for criminal justice agencies and the private sector for a law enforcement software company. Her wide breath of experience includes dispatch, law enforcement records, property and evidence, investigations support, computer aided dispatch, records management, jail management, mobile field reporting, training, technical and user documentation, business intelligence and software product management.
Prior to joining the Full Circle Training Solutions team, Ms. Zafke served as a product manager for the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension. In this role she was responsible for prioritizing development and delivering crime reporting products and services. She had several key accomplishments in this role to include the development and implementation of Minnesota’s Crime Reporting System; transitioning Minnesota law enforcement agencies and their Records Management System (RMS) providers to the NIBRS; development and implementation of the first instance of NIBRS XML submission to the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI); development and implementation of key data collection solutions to include Use-of-Force/Firearms Discharge and No-Knock Warrant reporting; development and implementation of the National Use-of-Force data JSON submission to the FBI and the development and implementation of the MN Crime Data Explorer and MN Drug Crimes and Overdose Dashboard public websites which allow for an understanding of crime and victimization in Minnesota. Additionally, Ms. Zafke served as product manager for the MN Criminal Justice Statute Service and pursuit reporting system.
Ms. Zafke was an active member (2012-2023) of the Association of State Uniform Crime Reporting Programs (ASUCRP) where she served as the National NIBRS Transition Liaison for 2 years. Additionally, Ms. Zafke served as an IJIS Institute UCR/NIBRS Subcommittee Member for 4 years.